Built: 2001-05-05 00:00:00
Baby Joe 1
For this robot I wanted it to be controlled via a MicroController. I choose the Parallax Basic Stamp 2. I used much of the same parts from the previous robot (TetherBot) but purchased some additional hardware for this chassis.

This robot is also featured at Robots.Net.


Chassis: Consist of aluminum framing, a Radio Shack project box and acrylic. I also used #6-32 - 1/2\" phillps machine screws for everything.
Power: Basic Stamp II = 4 x \"D\" cell providing 6VDC regulated by a 5VDC Regulator from Radio Shack. I also added a switch to function as a global on/off power switch.
Movement: 2 \"Hacked\" Futaba 3003 DC Servo Motors. The hack I used was to replace the potentiometer with a voltage divider consisting of two 1/4 watt 2.2k resistors. 2 - continuous rotation servos (Parallax) $13/each. 4 - 1/4 watt resistors Jameco, Radio Shack, etc. $0.99/100
Sensors: 2 Hi-Output IR LED\'s from Radio Shack part number (276-143) $1.79 each and 1 Sharp 40 kHz IR Receiver Module part number(?).
CPU/OS: Basic Stamp 2 / PBasic 1.0
Other Info: The Basic Stamp 2 I/O is below. You can see by the pinout below I only used a small fraction of the 16 IO ports on the stamp.
Pin # Function
0 Servo 1 - Left Motor
1 Servo 2 - Right Motor
2 IR LED - Left Front
3 IR LED - Right Front
4 Spare
5 Spare
6 IR Detector Circuit
7 Spare
8 Spare
9 Spare
10 Spare
11 Spare
12 Spare
13 Spare
14 Spare
15 Spare
Software Info:

Other Robot Info

Much like the other two robots Baby Joe is a technology demonstrator. My 1st experience with Basic Stamps was very good! These are the coolest little chips. If you have a working COM port, snap this chip in, write a program, and your off and running.

Baby Joe, is very similar to TetherBot except he has a Basic Stamp II for a brain and 4 D cells as a power supply. The acrylic and aluminum chassis that I bought at Lowes, was real nice to work with and cheap (less than $5.00). I used a cabinet knob as a rest for the back of the robot. Since the robot is slightly back heavy it rest there nicely and does not cause too much friction on a carpet.

Baby Joe is another technology demonstrator built a lot like Tetherbot. The only difference is his size, the addition of a Basic Stamp II and a Battery pack. Other than that he does the same things.

Rear View
Again I used the no 3rd wheel system. This did not present any problems and kept the bot's profile low. I added calibration port hole for the IR tuning potentiometer. I think this was the best feature of the new bot. Now I could calibrate the eyes with a debug program and then set the bot off to avoid things at different distances.
Front View
Because I reused an old project box I could not fit the IR receiver inside the box, but no worries, it's only impact was on aesthetics.

Inside View

Now you see what makes Baby Joe go. The 4 D cells provide the power and on a PCB to the left mounted underneath you have the IR Oscillators and voltage regulator.