by Scott Preston - 2010-03-05 00:00:00
First I want to say it was an honor reviewing this book. I had read it before but skimmed it for the interesting parts, but not reading the entire book. After reviewing it I have found out just how much great information is in this book, even for advanced roboticist.
The Table of Contents is summarized below. A more detailed explaination can be found out from Dave Cooks robotics website.
- Welcome Robot Inventor!
- Where to Obtain Tools and Parts
- Safety
- Digital Multimeter
- Numbers and Units
- Robot Line-Following
- Nine-Volt Batteries
- Clips and Test Leads
- Resistors
- LEDs
- Power On!
- Solderless Prototyping
- Solderless Breadboard Setup
- Variable Resistors
- Comparators
- Transistor Switches
- DC Motors
- Adding Gearhead Motors
- Wheels
- Coupler
- Soldering Equipment
- Soldering and Connecting
- The Motherboard
- Body Building
- Launching the Line-Follower
- Encore
- Appendix
Enjoy the book and have fun building robots!