Built: 2007-08-01 00:00:00
Feynman Jr

A smaller faster lighter version of Feynman6. Same great software, same cool functionality, just in a smaller package and much, much faster...



80 20 aluminum extrusion 1010 series. Polycarbonate for skin and panel mounts.


(1) 33AH Batteries from Batteries Plus. All DC power regulated by on-board controller and distribution boards.


(2) NPC-2212 with 6\" wheels from Feynman5. Differential drive.
(2) Victor 883 Speed Controllers. (IFI Robotics cost of $150/ea ($300 total).
(1) Scott Edwards Mini-SSC II
(1) Pan-Tilt System from ServoCity.Com for arm (1) HS-422 Standard Servos from Lynxmotion


(2) USB Logitech Deluxe Web Camera
(4) SRF05 Devantech Sonar
(1) Microphone via WebCam
(1) Onboard Voltage Sensor
(1) CMPS03 Digital Compass


PC - VIA EPIA M10000 Mini-ITX with 1GB Ram, a 60Gig SATA 2.5\" HDD, and wireless 802.11b/g.
OS = Ubuntu 8.04
Software written in Java and Groovy

Other Info:

I also have a USB powered speaker for speech synthesis, and the left and right sonar move via two HS-422 servos.

Software Info:

Other Robot Info

This is a smaller faster version of Feynman6. I was not able to transport my previous robots but this one I can lift by myself and move it quite easy. Stay tuned for updates...

A New Picture of Jr.

Another Picture of Jr.

Picture of Jr's Insides

A Picture of Jr. From The Side